Sunday, January 28, 2007

Show #5 - The Scooter Libby Trial Heats Up

Stuart Johnson and Cameron Graham discuss the new developments in the Scooter Libby trial and whether the prosecution will head after Dick Cheney (plus, a complete breakdown of the trial for the un-initiated); Obama throws his weight behind a universal health care plan but can it compete with both Hillary Clinton's alternative plan and the White House's own health care initiative?

'08 Election News - Two GOP candidates enter race, Duncan Hunter of California and Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and Cameron gives a run down their respective policies on the show. John Kerry decides to forgo a second nomination, and a Rolling Stone article suggests that Al Gore may run (again).

Ask The Political Team #5 (click to listen, right-click to download)

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions drop us a line at and we'll make sure to respond.

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